FEAT was a Horizon 2020 project that took place from 2015 to 2017. Its goal was to bring together Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) and artists. Six artists were hosted in FET projects to collaborate with researchers in the goal of exploring these state-of-the-art fields of research.
In 2017, Leonardo/Olats, a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to the support and promotion of creation at the intersection of arts, sciences and technologies created “A Journey Through Art Science Projects”. It is a set of MemoRekall capsules that allow you to explore the works that were created during the project.
Anna Dumitriu – Make Do and Mend
Make Do and Mend, Anna Dumitriu, 2017 from Leonardo/Olats on MemoRekall.
Anna Dumitiu is a British artist who works with BioArt, sculpture, installations, and digital media to explore our relationship with infectious diseases, synthetic biology, and robotics. Make Do and Mend takes the form of a woman’s outfit from the second world war (the title is a reference to a governmental slogan from the time). The holes and stains of the outfit have been repaired with silk that was patterned with E. coli bacteria that were edited using a technique called CRISPR.
Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch – Ion Hole
Ion Hole, Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, 2016 from Leonardo/Olats on MemoRekall.
Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Dolmnitch create installations and performances that “merge physical phenomena with uncanny philosophical practices”. Ion Hole is an installation that shows to the naked eye tiny particles which are normally imperceptible. It’s a piece that offers a reflection around quantum physics and scientific practices which manipulate matter at an atomic level.
boredomresearch – Robots in Distress
Robots In Distress, boredomresearch, 2017 from Leonardo/Olats on MemoRekall.
boredomresearch is a collaboration between two British artists: Vicky Isley and Paul Smith. They are interested in the diversity of nature and the fragility of ecosystems. They describe Robots in Distress as an “artificial life” artwork. It is a computer simulation that generates an aquatic world full of plastic waste and populated by little robots. These robots try to communicate with each other and survive in this hostile environment.
Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič – Becoming a.(Thing)
Becoming a.(Thing), Spela Petric & Miha Tursic, 2017 from Leonardo/Olats on MemoRekall.
Špela Petrič is an artist with a background in new media art and the natural sciences with a PhD in biology. For the past ten years, Miha Turšič has been working on the culturalization of space, conceiving zero-gravity dwellings. Becoming a.(Thing) is a modular artwork that can take many forms. The representation of the piece for FEAT at LifeSpace Gallery in Dundee in 2017 presented itself as a performative audiovisual installation that associated objects, data, algorithms, and humans.